Posts Tagged ‘london yoga photography’

Kim Bassen and Eyal Mayer – Tel-Aviv-Jaffa, Israel

Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography - Kim Bassen and Eyal Mayer - ELAD4830

Kim Bassen and Eyal Mayer, Tel-Aviv – Jaffa, Israel Back to Yoga Photos Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography – Kim Bassen and Eyal Mayer – ELAD4435 Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography – Kim Bassen and Eyal Mayer – ELAD4439 Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography – Kim Bassen and Eyal Mayer – ELAD4449 Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography – Kim…

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Eleonora Cosner Yoga Interview, Tuscany, Italy

Eleonora Cosner Yoga Photos, Tuscany, Italy - Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography

Eleonora Cosner Yoga Interview, Tuscany, Italy Back to Yogis of the World I encountered Yoga for the first time over 12 years ago. I was 12. I was only a child, Yoga was totally unknown here. I didn’t stay. I found Yoga again at the end of 2011: my university offered a very cheap course…

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Jennifer Ursillo Marzo Yoga Interview, Rome, Italy

Jennifer Ursillo Yoga Photos, Rome, Italy - Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography

Jennifer Ursillo Marzo Yoga Interview, Rome, Italy Back to Yogis of the World Yoga is so many things, but for me yoga is union, connection and presence.Union of the mind, body and soul; connection to our inner self, nature and the universe; presence found through movement, breath and meditation. Ultimately yoga is oneness. In 2010 I started…

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Vania Ybarra Yoga Interview, Rome, Italy

Vania Ybarra Yoga Photos, Rome, Italy - Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography

Vania Ybarra Yoga Interview, Rome, Italy Back to Yogis of the World “Yoga is whatever is happening to us right now” My yoga practice started in my teens -17 years ago to be precise- under the guidance of an Indian nun in mission in my home country, Paraguay. A couple of years later my mom…

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Sarah Jane Yoga Interview, Rome, Italy

Sarah Jane Yoga Photos, Rome, Italy - Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography

Sarah Jane Yoga Interview, Rome, Italy Back to Yogis of the World Yoga, what does it mean to you? Yoga is my daily piece of the heart and my peacefulness, but at the sametime it is my strength and steadiness. It’s the “know-who-you-are” and “know-what-you-want” that allows me to cross life path and it has…

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Enrico De Luca Yoga Interview, Naples, Italy

Enrico De Luca Yoga Photos, Naples, Italy - Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography

Enrico De Luca Yoga Interview, Naples, Italy Back to Yogis of the World What first inspired me to become curious practice of Yoga has been my relationship with Nature (through free-climbing or swimming) the research of body experience that would integrate me completely in specific natural environments such as the sea or volcanic rocks. I…

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Lucia Ausilio Yoga Interview, Naples, Italy

Lucia Ausilio Yoga Photos, Naples, Italy - Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography

Lucia Ausilio Yoga Interview, Naples, Italy Back to Yogis of the World I used to love nature and open air sport, born on the sea side, sailing, scuba diving, water ski, ski, rock climbing and more, I never ever approach yoga not even when I travelled in India, where I found myself, by chance , living in…

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Fabiana Esca Yantra Yoga Interview, Naples, Italy

Fabiana Esca Yoga Naples Italy

Fabiana Esca Yantra Yoga Interview, Naples, Italy Back to Yogis of the World Fabiana took her first yoga class when she was a child (7 years old). During a family holiday, in a touristic village, in an Italian island, Favignana. “We did classic Indian yoga like Patanjali. I continued doing Hatha Yoga and I tried different kinds…

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