Sarah Jane
Yoga Interview, Rome, Italy

Yoga, what does it mean to you?
Yoga is my daily piece of the heart and my peacefulness, but at the sametime it is my strength and steadiness. It’s the "know-who-you-are" and "know-what-you-want" that allows me to cross life path and it has helped me through my whole life!
As a teenager I was diagnosed with a 30 degrees scoliosis I wore orthopedic busts for years, I could not even lift my arm completely or reach my toes! Now I can bend in ways that I could not even imagine!... I am the living proof for my clients to the fact that our body can do amazing things and I love my clients and their interest and effort to approach such an intense discipline as yoga!
I love their passion and their dedication, their happiness when they see their results and their continuous discoveries about themselves. I became flexible not only physically but mentally, I changed my life as I realized what makes me happy and what makes me miserable!
I left law studies and I started a physiotherapy degree and now I am about to graduate!
As a yogi I am constantly studying, I take millions of classes as a student and try to do as many teacher trainings and workshop that I can! There is so much to learn and so many people and teachers to be inspired from! Yoga is a whole universe and it is never boring.
Yoga to me is a magic body-mind-soul connection, it’s just something that runs through my veins and allows me to be my true self, to be the creature that I am without worries, it’s the peace of the heart and the primitive quiet.
But it’s fire as well, it’s energy at its highest level.
Shameless passion.
Yoga is purity.
Can you tell me about any special moment that happen while learn or teaching yoga?
I love how people open up to me! I mostly give lessons in their house and it is so intimate and sweet and emotional... Recently a client at the end of a beautiful yoga session told me that when she was in cobra position she felt so open hearted that she could feel her beloved dead brother Close to her like an angel.
I receive gifts from my clients like personal things, books, and things they really care a lot that they want to share with me.
A client recently had a very bad surgery and she had to stop yoga but we are constantly in touch; All these things and many others light up my life and my heart
Where do you see yoga in the future of your life, the future of the world?
I work with Italians and tourists and business traveler from all around the world and I can easily say that yoga has no boundaries! In yoga we don't speak, we communicate. Body language and feelings are universal the best feedbacks are always the not-verbal ones
Closing my eyes I can dream about a balanced World with all living creatures, respecting each other and respecting the nature, less superficiality more essence for the humans
I see yoga everywhere; Offices, schools, hospitals, streets, art, fashion, music.
I think we're not far away from a big change.
When people will start to follow the truth and the essence instead of fake things and situation... This will be the biggest change! When they will realize that power is not oppression, strength is not violence, survival is not homicide, personality is not ego.
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