Rosalba Maida
Yoga Interview, Catanzaro, Calabria, Italy

Crossing Italy is quite of an experience, My second stop was in Catanzaro, which sits in Calabria region south of Italy, I really enjoyed driving the maze of tunnels and bridges that surround the local mountain scenery, After a long day of driving from Sicily I arrived just on time to take Rosalba Maida class in her super cosy studio, she also went out of her way to make me feel comfortable and the whole yoga teaching that evening was in English, Thank you Rosalba.
A little interview I did with her:
Rosalba started doing yoga during the summer of 2001, and It was a critical point of her life, "I was having a bad time, but then one of my friends suggested to me to come along with here for a yoga pratice on the beach. I didn't know what yoga was beforehand, I read something about it so I said: "yes let's do it" moved, by curiosity and instinct. Until then I didn't realise how much stress my body rack up, I was inflexible and my breath was heavy."
From that moment onwards, She fell in love with yoga.
Years later, Rosalba decided to became a yoga teacher, after completing the teacher training with the Assosiacion "FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA YOGA", in the hope to pass to the others what yoga passed to her.
Leaving out the the physical sphere which is not to underestimate such as a good health, Yoga in the years taught to me how to maintain interior equilibrium, happiness despite bad happening that occurred in my life, as life is difficult itself.
"I'm constantly in contact with my teacher, I mean the "FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA YOGA", I take part in seminary and courses.
In Italy there are a lot of yogi centres and teachers, so sometimes I participate in others's teachers classes."
Teaching yoga in Catanzaro has it's challenges "I think that the hardest part is letting others understand what does yoga, I can say the first approach is the hardest part.
My students inspire me, seeing their small yet great steps give me strength and joy, It is a feeling which is difficult to explain with words, anyway a fantastic feeling.
I feel grateful everyday thanks to yoga."
Rosalba Yoga Studio in Catanzaro,