Lucia Ausilio
Yoga Interview, Naples, Italy

I used to love nature and open air sport, born on the sea side, sailing, scuba diving, water ski, ski, rock climbing and more, I never ever approach yoga not even when I travelled in India, where I found myself, by chance , living in a Buddhist monastery, and meeting other very spiritual people.
Back in Italy a friend convince me to go visit a ashram in Puglia, after the first day of Pujas I ask for more physical work, "can we find any yoga?... just to move", We went around the beautiful valley of Cisternino and when we met a man on the horse we ask, he said yes tonight.
He was Mario Ceccarelli, direct student of master Iyengar! I ended up spending 20 days , 6 hours a day on Iyengar practice, and kept for years going up and down from Naples to Cisternino to meet my teacher.
In the beginning, my body loved the practice, I felt that I was getting taller and more in touch with my body, it was a body physical connection, So the body mind just happened and quite surprise me, I was more silent more calm and the connection with nature got deeper and the spiritual part of the world much stronger
My attitude in yoga is no-dual And my dear teacher died in 2005 in a car accident, At first seems like yoga was finished for me; but I kept on, start travelling a lot studying & practicing Iyengar with Faeq Biria in France, Usha Devi in Rishikesh, Maurizio Morrocco, Sharat Arora, and many more in Italy and Europe.
At some point I got tired of too many support, I found the beauty of flow and start practicing Vinyasa got 200h Yoga teacher training with Jaqueline Heizel than studied Anusara Yoga around Europe with Sianna Sherman, Todd Tesen, Naime Jezzemany, Douglas Brook, Piero Vivarelli, Bj Galvan and more, I enjoyed a little play in Acro-Yoga, because yoga is always joy Now I am a 350 hours Yoga Alliance Teacher, I enjoy teaching but i love to be a student .. I am still looking for my teacher since mario is gone.
I am gratefull to all the beautifull souls I met.
I tell my student "You are Light. Drink light, Feel the beat of the univers", "Spanda" is the sanscrit word, root to rise, open your heart to connect, be brave to open, feel your skin; I see the people change.
Yoga is union, body, mind & spirit so once you learn to connect them by breathing , Open Clavicula by moveing the shoulder blades and open your heart, be brave to connect to the world around. My favorite word is LUCE, which means Light in italian and in any other language.