Julia White

Yoga Interview, London, UK

Alexandra Palace is magnificent building you see from the train travelling north of London, For some reason I never found the right time to visit that place so when Julia White offer it as a location for our Yoga photography session I just jumped on the opportunity.
Was really a fun day, lots of laughs in a beautiful place with the lovely Julia, which I had really nice conversation with and took some great yoga photos.

Julia White Yoga

Julia White Yoga

Q&A Julia kindly answered

Q: How did you find out about yoga​?​

​As a child, it​ was recommended to me to help me with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Q: Why did you decide to start teaching yoga?​
​One of my teachers, Tara Fraser said that i would make a good yoga teacher ​with a lot to give and it was Tara thatc inspired me and made me seriously

​Q: Where did you study teaching yoga?​ ​
​I​ have studied with Tara Fraser in London, Lara Bauman in London, BWY in Sussex, Anne-Marie Newland in Italy, Manju Pattabhi Jois in London,

Q: how long have you been teaching?
​10 years

Q: Was there anything that was hard for you with your own personal practice? How did you overcome it?
​I love my time on my mat, it is my time, to do both my practice and my me​ditation, my time to go deep within and is part of my daily life.

Really the hardest thing has been getting people to accept and understand that this is part of my daily life and to let me have my time on my mat. I think I just have to make them realise that this is an important and much needed part of my daily life

Q: how did yoga improve your life?​​
​Yoga has improved and changed my life in more ways than i can name; it has become not only a daily part of my life, but also a career. I get to do what I love every day and to teach others and encourage others to see the benefits of bring​ing yoga into their lives. I continue to learn and to continue to study as I believe that we are always learning and that there is so much history, that it will take me many lifetimes to read and study all that has been written about yoga and I cherish each moment I have and every opportunity to learn and grow.

Q: Personal motto?​ ​
​If life gets​ tough, get onto your mat.
a cup of hot chai is 5 minutes of pure samadhi.

Julia White
website: BeautifulMindBeautifulBody.co.uk
acebook page: https://www.facebook.com/beautifulmindbeautifulbodyYoga?pnref=lhc