Where light meets Yoga
A lot of people have been searching themselves and ended up with yoga as their answer. I, on the other hand, have been pushed toward yoga. It appeared first in school when I was a teenager. One of the teachers managed to get a yoga class scheduled once a week, which sounds amazing. But at the time, I didn't feel comfortable enough with my own body to practice with my fellow classmates. Almost 10 years later I found myself searching for a yoga studio in Tel-Aviv to practice, after a strong intuition that I must start practising yoga. Three months later I was in the Bahamas doing my Yoga Teacher Training.
I never went into teaching but the knowledge I gathered from the practice of asana, philosophy, physiology and positive thinking will forever continue to guide me with whatever I do and wherever I go.
Although yoga is something I'm very passionate about and that I made it my life mission to continue spreading and inspiring people to add yoga into their life; photography has been my very first artistic calling. I have been taking photos since my teen years, mostly urban, architecture, nature and landscape.
This is the combination of two passions, where light, which is the essence of photography, meets the essence of my life, Yoga. There are many reasons why Yoga photography became my path; the obvious one is being part of the yoga community myself. The less obvious is that photography business can be really competitive, people are stepping on each other's toes. While I found that in the yoga community, we actually are lifting one another with constant support, pushing one another to do better photos, supporting with encouraging words - and that is the beauty of yoga. Bringing people together.
Elad Itzkin Yoga Photography, Based in Europe, a contributor to Yoga Connects Festival
+447860555489 / elad@itzkin.com